Wandering Warrior Women

Embarking on Wandering Warrior Women our goal is to bring empowerment to birthing couples in rural communities who do not have access to such antenatal education. 

Deb and Fi have spent many years living in the Pilbara and know how isolating it can be and the difficulty that can be faced when accessing resources. Our passion is to empower birthing couples through knowledge and education so that they are able to face their birthing and breastfeeding journey with confidence.  

Both Hypnobirthing Australia and The Thompson Method Breastfeeding education will be available through Wandering Warrior Women, subject to booking numbers.  

If you are interested in booking into our classes or would like some further information about future locations or you have a group ready for booking please fill in the below form, outlining you current location and gestation. 

Pilbara dates


13th of Feb 10am-3pm

Location TBC


15th of Feb 10am-3pm

Location TBC


17th of Feb 10am-3pm

Location TBC


Our Pilbara masterclasses are subject to interest


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